Body Builder Jola and the Influence Bisham Abbey Has Had in Her Journey!

Aug 24, 2023 | Blog

Jola, 52, is a qualified Health and Fitness Coach here at Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre. She has worked here since 2018 starting out as a receptionist, which Jola thoroughly enjoyed, however she knew she was far too active to be behind a desk. From there Jola joined the team in the Engine Room for a year with the Catering team, but as soon as a position opened for her to join the Health and Fitness team, she seized her opportunity. Two years on and she is a fully trained coach who can teach classes, but just like our members her health and fitness goals are always evolving.


Jola didn’t start going to the gym until she was 46 years old, and she turns 53 this September! “I was overweight and decided to make a change, so I challenged myself to 30 days working out at home and if I completed that then I would get a gym membership. My daughter was also overweight, and I could see that she didn’t have much self-confidence, so as I started at home she would come and join me. I wanted to be an example to my children and get them involved. I then signed up to the gym and went twice a day, one cardio session and one weights session. My daughter also started coming to the gym with me and she’s also lost 55KG and now wants to come and work at Bisham too as she has seen how good it has been for me.”

Jola has been on an amazing fitness journey and the more she saw the progress she was making, she started getting involved with and competing in body building competitions too. Fitness has become such an important part of her life and she embraces every chance she gets to push herself forward; “I was working full time doing PT sessions and, in the gym, but I never miss an opportunity, during my shifts I usually teach three classes a day. I always give my classes 100% because the class then gives me 100% back. Like I say I am a very active person, so getting involved keeps me going. I also do gym floor classes in smaller groups, which gives me the opportunity to work with customers more directly to work on skill and technique. After work I go to the gym every day, 7 days per week. I work on my legs three days and upper body four days. I work on specific muscle groups each time to make sure each area gets a proper focus. My favourite day is shoulder day, but I dislike doing legs the most.”

Jola is now looking to compete in September, and we wish her the best of luck with her competition! If you are looking to kickstart your fitness journey, speak to a member of our team on your next visit to Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre, call us on 01628 476911 to find out more, or take a look at our memberships page today to find the right membership for you
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